Georg Baselitz(喬治,巴塞利茲)



Georg Baselitz(喬治,巴塞利茲)

Georg Baselitz
撰文 | Jacky Lau

Georg Baselitz, a name that I met during my studies in France in 90’s. Born in East Germany just a year before the outbreak of ​ WWII, he, still a kid, saw his father, an elementary school teacher, came home with only one eye.

He lived through the bombardements, cries, screams, fear, sorrow, and witnessed rubbles, demolition, separation and all the disorders. Most people were heart-stricken, powerless and hopeless. Georg Baselitz, however, was a rebel, 'sociopolitical immature' in the eyes of DDR and was expelled from art school in Dresden.

He moved to different cities and met those European avant-garde artists such as Wassily Kandinsky and Kashmir Malevich and was influenced by Jackson Pollock and Philip Gaston in the American continent.

His deeply embedded unsettled nature and obsessive quest for being distinctive pushed him to turn his visual realism upside down in 1969. Since then, he created works of troubled vision. We feel his unfettered brush strokes and representation. We, viewers, are so used to ‘orders’ and naturally feel certain unease and even ‘unaccustomed’ incomprehension. They are all intentional!

For Baselitz, all disorders are orders. Through sculpture and painting, he reflects his inner spirit and completes his unique world. I would suggest that we abandon our ‘logic’, view his works as ‘non-objects’ and enjoy the ‘disorder’!

Georg Baselitz(喬治,巴塞利茲)這個名字是我九十年代在法國留學時認識的。他在第二次世界大戰爆發的前一年出生於東德,還是個孩子的他見到他父親,一位小學教師,回家時只剩一隻眼睛!

他經歷了轟炸、哭泣、尖叫、恐懼與悲傷,親眼目睹了頹垣敗瓦、流離失所和一切的混亂。大多數人都感到心痛、無力和絕望。然而,Baselitz 拒絕並反抗,是一名叛逆者,在 DDR (德意志民主共和國) 眼中是個“社會政治上不成熟”的人,因此被Dresden藝術學校開除。

他輾轉於不同的城市,結識了Wassily Kandinsky瓦西里·康定斯基、Kasmir Malevich克什米爾·馬列維奇...等歐洲前衛藝術家,並受到美國Jackson Pollock傑克遜·波洛克、Philip Gaston菲利普·加斯頓...等人的影響。

1969 年,他根深蒂固的不安定性和追求與眾不同的執著,促使他顛覆了視覺現實主義。從那時起,他創作了顛倒世界的視覺作品。我們感受到他無拘無束的筆觸和表現方式。看慣了“秩序”的我們,自然而然感到不安,甚至是“不習慣”的不理解。他們都是刻意的!

對Baselitz 來說,所有的混亂都是秩序。他通過雕塑和繪畫,反映了自己的內在精神,並完成了獨特的自我世界。我會建議大家放下“邏輯思維”,將他的作品視為“非具象”,並享受“無秩序”!

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