The collaboration work of engravings of Picasso



The collaboration work of engravings of Picasso

The collaboration work of engravings of Picasso
| Jacky Lau

In my collection, the collaboration work of engravings of Picasso with la Bibliothèque Française, a publisher, dated back to 1949, manifests our modern term ‘Crossover’.

This huge book, 27×55×8cm, is composed of two parts: beautifully printed texts on the left and 38 engravings by Picasso on the right. It is a novella ‘Carmen’ written by a French writer Prosper Mérimée in 1845. This ‘crossover’ book was published total 320 copies of which 11 copies were offered to Imperial Japan by then.
Just look at these faces, we are certainly impressed by its simplicity in lines, creativity in forms, and foremost, the precision of every emotion. His renown rooted in his solid techniques and bold expressions.

Being curious of his inner feelings in 1949, I browsed through his biography. It was right after the WWII and he, 68 years old, was living with Françoise Gilot, a former student of 28 years old then. Being an artist of intense emotions and talent, Picasso combined both and wrote his life with numerous love affairs and a prolific bunch of artworks. In these engraving works, we found his pleasant optimism which was reflected in their quiet, playful artistic facial expressions. Many of his works are undoubtedly related to his personal life. Did he look for his artistic energy/inspiration from his tumultuous romantic experiences to produce 23,000 artworks throughout his life??



在我的收藏中,畢卡索版畫與出版商 la Bibliothèque Française 的合作作品可追溯到 1949 年,體現了我們現代術語“Crossover”。
這本27×55×8cm的巨書由兩部分組成:左邊是印刷精美的文字,右邊是畢卡索的38幅版畫。 文字是法國作家梅里美於1845年創作的中篇小說《卡門》,我這書刋共320冊,其中11冊當時提供給日本帝國。

只要看看這些面孔,我們肯定會被其簡潔的線條、形式的創造性以及最重要的是每一種情感的精確性所打動。 畢卡索的名聲源於他紮實的技術和大膽的表達。
出於對他在 1949 年內心世界的好奇,我瀏覽了他的傳記。 二戰剛剛結束,68 歲的他與當時 28 歲的前學生弗朗索瓦絲·吉洛 (Françoise Gilot) 共住。 作為一位情感豐富、才華橫溢的藝術家,畢卡索將兩者結合起來,用無數的風流韻事和大量的藝術作品書寫了他的一生。 在這些版畫作品中,我們發現了他愉快的樂觀情緒,這種情緒反映在他們安靜、俏皮的藝術面部表情上。 他的許多作品無疑都與他的個人生活有關。 他是否從他動蕩的浪漫經歷中尋找他的藝術能量/靈感來創作他一生中的 23,000 件藝術品??


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